Find Child Care Oregon
Find Child Care Oregon (FCCO) is the statewide database shared amongst each regional CCR&R, Central Coordination of CCR&R at The Research Institute, 211info, families, and other community partners.
Child Care Resource & Referral of Washington County is tasked with reaching out to all programs in Washington County to update contact information, vacancy information, as well as other important pieces of information about your child care program to ensure that 211info can provide robust child care referrals to families seeking child care in their area.
Licensed Programs (RF/CF) - Must complete one vacancy check every three months and an annual update once per year.
Certified Center Programs (CC) - Must complete one annual update per year.
License-Exempt Home - Not required to be in Find Child Care Oregon, but if you would like to, you would be required to complete one vacancy check every three months and an annual update once per year.
License-Exempt Centers & RA Programs - Must complete an annual update once per year.
There are a few methods you can take to update your program information. If you’d like to update your program, please choose the option below that is most convenient and meets your needs:
Update by Phone: 971.223.6100 (Select option 1)
Update by Email: ccrr@caowash.org
Update by Google Form:
*If you are participating in a network, please connect with your network coordinator before submitting an update, as they are responsible for making sure your program is up to date.