Healthy Families
Healthy Families is a nationally recognized program that promotes child well-being through parenting support and skill development. Specially trained Family Support Specialists work with expecting families or parents of newborns in their homes for the first three years of their child’s life. Participation in the program is voluntary.
To help parents get off to a strong start, Family Support Specialists can begin working with a family as soon as they know they are expecting. Prenatal services include help communicating with prenatal care providers and preparing for childbirth and parenthood. Specialists also connect families to WIC and other supportive community programs.
Healthy Families is especially helpful for parents who want to develop the skills and knowledge to provide their children with the best possible parenting. Parents learn how to create a nurturing environment for their children using positive parenting techniques. They are provided with the skills to build their support network using information about community resources with an emphasis on health and well-being.
In addition to the programs mentioned above, Family Support Specialists help Washington County families experiencing homelessness connect to home-visiting support services. If you are currently experiencing homelessness, find out how we may be able to help.