When crisis hit, your support helped Jessica and her family find a path toward a better future

After summoning the strength to leave an abusive relationship, Jessica found herself in a very difficult situation. She was suddenly a single mom of two and she was expecting her third. Difficulties with her pregnancy forced her to leave her manufacturing job.
With no income, she was scared. What would happen when she couldn’t pay rent? Would she and her children become homeless?
That's when she found Community Action.
Because of donors like you, Jessica received rent assistance for a full year, giving her the stability she needed to prepare for the birth of her daughter and plan for her future.
Jessica also connected with Community Action's Healthy Families, a home visiting program that provides support to moms during their pregnancy and during the early years of a child's life. Jessica's home visitor helped her work through the trauma of her past and plan for her future.
Recognizing that Jessica wanted a job that allowed her more time with her own children, her home visitor suggested a child care business. Jessica jumped at the idea and began working with our Child Care Resource and Referral team, our program that works with child care providers year-round offering support, trainings, and professional development to improve the quality of care for children.
Because of your support, Jessica received the training she needed to get a child care license and to create a safe enriching environment for young children in her apartment. Starting a business wasn’t easy, but she was excited and determined. And because of you, she had support from our CCR&R team every step of the way.
"I am happy where I am right now. I can afford rent, pay my bills, and buy food."
After only two years, her business is thriving and continues to grow. Last year, with the increased income from her business, she was able to move into a larger house giving her space to expand her business and care for more kids. She is now planning to hire an assistant so that she can expand even further.
Jessica is so grateful to have found her true vocation as a child care provider.
“I feel like I am a second mom to these kids. And I love that. We would not be here without Community Action."
To learn more about how your support helped propel Jessica toward a better future, watch her inspiring video.

"I feel like I am a second mom to these kids. And I love that. We would not be here without Community Action."